Generic selectors
تطابق تام فقط
البحث في العنوان
البحث في المحتوى
Post Type Selectors
التصفية حسب الفئات
إعلانات المفوضية
اخبار المراكز الإنتخابية
الأنشطة الإعلامية
البيانات الرسمية
البيانات الصحفية والإعلانات
اللقاءات والمؤتمرات الصحفية
المركز الإعلامي
النقابات والاتحادات والروابط المهنية
ذوي الإعاقة
وحدة دعم المرأة

About Us

The High National Elections Commission is set to handle & manage the electoral process by the resolution No. (8 / 2013) issued by the General National Council. The commission will provide the mechanism, terms of the electoral process plus it will schedule a document delivery dates in according to the rules made by resolution No. (17/2013).

Missions of the Commission:

  • Develop all the necessary rules and regulations needed for implementing any election process.
  • Identify execution processes and time frames for election campaigns to be completed successfuly.
  • Raise awareness and notify citizens about all the necessary procedures and guidance rules for any electoral process
  • Registeration of voters in a permanent database according to the applicable laws
  • Preparation and implementation of all materials related to the electoral process including but not limited to; voters registeration, media and observers accreditation, candidate agents, implementation of polling and counting processes, scheduling and approving results.

The organizational structure is composed of:

Board of Commissioners: concerned with the issuance of the legal documents and organizational decisions and to ensure the implementation of tasks designated to the commission.

General Administration: handles direct implementation of the electoral process.