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In the presence of HNEC, the UNDP and the UK Government sign an agreement to support “PEPOL” project

Today, Thursday, March 25th, 2021, in the presence of the HNEC Chairman Dr. Emad Al-Sayah, the United Nations Development Program “UNDP” and the United Kingdom Government signed an agreement to support the electoral Support “PEPOL” project, with the aim of providing the technical and advisory support that the UNSMIL is supervising.

On Behalf of UNDP, H.E. Mr. Gerardo Noto, signed the Agreement, while the United Kingdom’s Ambassador to Libya, Mr. Nicholas Hopten, signed the agreement, with the presence of the two HNEC Board Members, Mr. Abd Al-Hakim Al-Shaab and Mr. Abo-Baker Marda.

The agreement aims to utilize the support provided by the PEPOL Project, that is supervised by the United Nations Development Program, in terms of raising the level of preparedness of the HNEC, overcoming obstacles that may face the preparations process, and investing the capabilities available with all actors for the success of the elections scheduled for December of this year.

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