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HNEC Holds a Working Session on the E-Voter Card Project

The Board of the High National Elections Commission discussed, today, Sunday, August 23rd, 2020, the “E-Voter Card” project, during a working session moderated by the Chairman, Dr. Emad Al-Sayah with some of Heads of Departments and Sections of the Commission.

Dr. Al-Sayah delivered a presentation on the concept of the Card, its components and the expected results of its implementation as a smart document that guarantees voter participation in accordance with the highest standards of integrity, pointing out to the advanced international experiences in this field.

During the session, discussions took place on the challenges facing the implementation of the project and ways to overcome them by developing proposals for implementation and allocation of tasks to the concerned Departments and Sections.

The working session was attended by the Head of Operations Department, Mr. Sadiq Al-Zakkar, and Engineer Faisal Raheel, Head of the Software Engineering Section, and the staff of the Training Department and the Software Engineering Section.

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