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EU Ambassador to Libya visits HNEC and meets its Chairman

The Chairman of the High National Elections Commission, Dr. Emad Al-Sayah received, today morning, June 28th, 2020, H.E. Ambassador of the European Union to Libya, Mr. Alan Bujia, and the accompanying delegation. The meeting was attended by Mr. Abdulhakim Belker, Member of HNEC Board.

This visit comes within the framework of the international community’s support for the democratic path in Libya, and to check HNEC’s readiness to implement the electoral processes that may be approved by any prospective political settlement. Both sides discussed the possible support and expertise that could be provided for managing and implementing the elections.

The meeting reviewed the challenges that HNEC could face at the local and international levels, due to the spread of the Corona pandemic; trying to benefit from international experiences to overcome this pandemic with regard to elections.

HNEC Chairman Dr. Emad, has accompanied H.E. the EU Ambassador and his delegation, on a tour in HNEC premises to see the new construction works, equipment and facilities. From his side, H.E. The Ambassador praised the readiness of HNEC and all the efforts exerted to create the ideal environment for conducting elections according to the international standards.

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