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“An Architectural Design That Is Easy For Access” – The Theme of The Meeting Between The HNEC And Ministry of Education

The High National Elections Commission, in a meeting held with the Ministry of Education on Wednesday, Feb 12th, 2020, at the headquarters of the Authority of Educational Facilities in Tripoli, discussed the ways to promote the participation of people with disabilities in the electoral process.

The meeting, which was attended by the Director General of the Authority of Educational Facilities for the Ministry of Education, Mr. Ali Al-Qwerah, the Head of the People with Disabilities Support Unit at the HNEC, Ms. Magda Al-Kateb and Mr. Abdul Raouf Shanab, reviewed the results of the joint work with the Projects Department of the MOE, and the achievements line with the HNEC’s plan for 2020 to increase the number of Polling Centers accessible by voters with disabilities.

For his part, Mr. Al-Qwerah stressed the keenness of the MOE to implement the proposals submitted by the HNEC to develop and maintain some educational facilities in accordance with international standards, to make them easily accessible for this category, considering this as a “national project.”

This meeting is considered- according to the Head of the People with Disabilities Support Unit, Ms. Magda Al-Kateb- a complement to the training program organized by the HNEC in December of last year, in the presence of representatives of the MOE and a number of CSOs on “The architectural design that is easy for access” aimed at designing Polling Centers in schools to be ready to enhance accessibility and participation of people with disabilities in the electoral process.

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