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Youth and Elections – An electronic seminar with participation of HNEC youth

Today, Thursday, April 22 nd , 2021, the HNEC participated in the electronic seminar on youth and elections, organized by the Arab Organization for Electoral Management Bodies (Arab EMBs) in cooperation and joint coordination with the European Association of Election Officials. Mr. ABDULAZIZ-SHERIF represented HNEC Head Quarters and Mr. Mahmoud Al-Kadikee represented HNEC Benghazi Office.
The HNEC presentation was titled: “Youth of Libya: partners in the political decision, partners in building the nation). It addressed the experience of youth participation in previous elections, within the framework of Libyan law and legislation, the percentage of youth in the voter register, candidate
lists; in addition to the most prominent electoral awareness programs targeting youth, besides to presenting future plans to enhance youth participation in the elections scheduled for Dec 24 th , 2021.
The representative of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) also participated with a presentation on the suffering of youth in the developing countries, during in the elections. Further, representatives of electoral managements in Tunisia, Palestine and Mauritania reviewed their countries' experiences in terms of youth participation and the most prominent challenges and obstacles facing.

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