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HNEC Chairman discusses with the Minister of Education the preparations of poling centers

Today, Monday, April 19th, 2021, HNEC Chairman, Dr. Emad A-Sayah, welcomed H.E, the Minister of Education of the Government of the National Unity, Dr. Musa Al-Magarief, with the attendance of HNEC Board Member, Mr. Abd Al-Hakim Al-Shaab, to discuss the preparations for the upcoming elections.

During the meeting, which was conducted at HNEC office, they discussed HNEC preparations for selecting schools to be polling centers; in addition to the coordination with the Ministry of Education to provide the requirements of the electoral process. Also, they discussed the issue of staffing of the electoral committees working in polling centers, composed of teachers, and they discussed the project of connecting schools with internet and exploring how HNEC would get advantage of it.

From his side, the Minister of Education expressed the readiness of the Ministry to provide full support to the electoral process, to share information and provide the necessary services that would facilitate the conduct of elections through the educational institutions belonging to the Ministry of Education. They concluded the meeting with the agreement to jointly coordinate the management of the electoral process, paving the way towards the upcoming elections, in accordance with the highest professional standards.

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