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IDPs and elections – the topic of the meeting between the HNEC Board and the Ministry of the internal and external displaced persons’ affairs

The HNEC Chairman Dr. Emad Al-Sayah, welcomed, this morning, Sunday April 18th, 2021, the Minister of State for the internal and external displaced persons’ affairs and Human Rights, Dr. Ahmed Farag Abo Khzam, to discuss the participation of the internal and external displaced Libyans, during the upcoming elections.

During the meeting, which took place at HNEC office, they reviewed the special measures taken by HNEC for creating appropriate conditions for the internal and external displaced Libyans to participate during the upcoming elections; in addition to the most important preparations that the Commission has taken in preparation for the electoral process scheduled to take place in December 24th, 2021.

Further, they discussed the role of the Ministry of the internal and external displaced persons’ affairs in supporting HNEC in this regard; in order to achieve its goals and enable all Libyan citizens to participate in the electoral process, including the internal and external displaced Libyans. Both actors emphasized the continuation of communication and the exchange of information between each other that would enable the two parties to fulfill their obligations towards the upcoming stage.

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