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HNEC Chairman welcomes some African Ambassadors

The HNEC Chairman, Dr. Emad Al-Sayah, welcomed today, Thursday, April 15th, 2021, the Ambassador of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, H.E. Mr. Jules Mbilu Mbungu, the Ambassador of Burkina Faso, H.E. Mr. Abraham Traore, the Ambassador Ghana, H.E. Dr. Adteh Anum, and the Chargé d’affairs of the Sudan, H.E. Mr. Othman Al-Basheer Mohamed, at HNEC Office.

During the meeting, they discussed and encouraged ways of cooperation in the electoral field among the African Electoral Management Bodies in the African Union, and reviewed HNEC’s preparations for the elections scheduled to take place on December 24th, 2021; in addition, they discussed the mechanisms of participation in international election observation missions; in order to grant elections more confidence, integrity and credibility.

Their Excellences, the Ambassadors, emphasized the importance of building strong relationships among African electoral institutions, and the importance of supporting the HNEC in consolidating the democratic process, as it reflects on the security and stability of African countries

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