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HNEC Chairman emphasizes the role of media during upcoming elections

HNEC Chairman, Dr. Emad Al-Sayah emphasized the role of media as an important partner for HNEC, during the implementation of upcoming elections. He emphasized the role of media during the opening of the training course on the role of the media in elections, which took place in the Tunisian capital, in April 6th to 9th, 2021, in cooperation between the High National Elections Commission, IFES and IDEA, within the Bridge Media and Elections Program.

Dr. Al-Sayah praised the role of media during the previous elections and the cooperation with HNEC, during the implementation of the awareness plans that increased the participation in registration during the last update of the voter register.


The training course targeted some HNEC staff, media professionals, representatives of the Central Committee for Local Elections and elite from university professors; and they discussed the role of media during the various stages of the electoral process, providing impartial professional coverage, awareness, identifying partners with multiple tasks, and ensuring the credibility of the electoral process, in order to ensure the results acceptance.

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