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HNEC delegation visits some Electoral Offices

Within an assessment tour that will include all HNEC Electoral Offices, a delegation from the Electoral Operations Department of HNEC General Administration organized a field visit, in March 2nd – 10th, 2021, that targeted the offices of: (Benghazi, Al-Marj, Al Bayda, Derna, Tobruk and Ajdabiya). During the visit, several meetings were held with the Heads and employees of those Offices, to discuss ways to increase their readiness for the upcoming elections.

The visiting delegation included: Mr. Sadiq Al-Zakkar, Headf of the Operations Department, Mr. Salem Al-Hosoumi, Head of the Logistic Section and Mr. Abdul Basit Al-Naffati, Head of the Training and Procedures Section. The purpose of this visit was to examine the readiness of the Offices to implement the upcoming election, and to identify the deficiencies, the difficulties and obstacles facing these Offices.

The members of the delegation, from their side, briefed their colleagues at those Electoral Offices, on the upcoming stages of HNEC’s work, including issuing the voter card; and the efforts and technical arrangements and logistical and training plans required for this procedure. They also visited the warehouses at those Offices to check its readiness to receive electoral materials.

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