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HNEC Women’s Support Unit discusses the electoral participation of Libyan women married to a foreigner

On Sunday, February 21st, 2021, HNEC Board Member, Mrs. Rabab Halab held a meeting with representatives of Libyan women’s Unions and Organizations, concerned with the rights of Libyan women married to foreigners and their right to vote, at HNEC Headquarters.

The meeting was attended by: Mrs. Amal Al-Naami, Head of the Libyan Association called “I am Libyan and my son is a foreigner”, and Mrs. Zamzam Fadel, Head of the Ghat Women’s Union, Mrs. Suzan Hami, member of the Preparatory Committee of the Women’s Union for the Eastern Region, and Mrs. Jazia Issa, member of the Preparatory Committee for the Women’s Union for the South.
During the meeting, they reviewed some obstacles that hinder the participation of Libyan women married to foreigners, and how to overcome them; in addition to discussing HNEC’s Women Support Unit’s plans to enhance the participation of all groups of Libyan women during the elections scheduled to take place in December of this year, welcoming all proposals for this segment of women to have access to the ballot box.

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