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During an interview with the Libyan News Agency, HNEC Chairman talks about Hurghada meeting.

In a special interview with the Libyan News Agency, HNEC Chairman Dr. Emad Al-Sayah, talked about the differences between the referendum on the constitution and the Presidential and Parliamentary Elections, expected in Dec 24th, 2021.

HNEC Chairman said that the Dec 24th, elections are considered the start of a fourth transitional phase, and not the phase of stability that will be adopted by the constitutional process; however, if the draft constitution is passed by “yes”, then the preliminary phase, stipulated in Article (183), starts. If it passes with “No” then it shall be referred to the CDA, within 30 days, to consider the amendments and present it again to a referendum. If it is rejected for the second time, it must be returned to the legislative authority to decide the future of this project.

He added: what happened in Hurghada meeting was different from what the commission thought, and that the Constitutional Committee would consider what was proposed by HNEC to consider and decide between the referendum on the constitution and Dec 24th, elections.

He stated that the Constitutional Committee has a vision for the transitional phase and the electoral events for this year that is different from HNEC’s vision, describing the statement issued by the Constitutional Committee as vague, unclear and does not include any signature or reference  to the date of Dec 24th, which all Libyans are waiting; especially Article No. 4. Of the statement which says: if the draft constitution is rejected, elections will be held, and this is not correct.

HNEC Chairman, Dr. Emad Al-Sayah, explained that if the draft constitution is rejected, the Commission will find itself, at that time, very close to Dec 24th, at which election laws are supposed to be ready, by July, maximum; consequently, HNEC will be confused and will not be able to cope with the general elections and the referendum on the constitution.

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