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The Chairman of the Presidential Council visits HNEC Headquarters to check its readiness for the upcoming elections

The HNEC Chairman Dr. Emad Al-Sayah, received today, Sunday, January 24th, 2021, the Chairman of the Presidential Council of the Government of National Accord, Mr. Fayiz Al-Sarraj, at the HNEC Headquarters.

During the meeting, which was attended by HNEC Board Member Mr. Abdulhakim Al-Shaab, and the General Director, Dr. Yahya al-Jadeed, the participants reviewed the HNEC’s preparations and its readiness to implement the elections scheduled to be held in December 24th, of this year.

The visit included a field tour to the facilities and service units that form the base from which the HNEC will launch its implementation of the electoral processes and logistical preparations, within the framework of developing its facilities to serve the success of the electoral process.

From his side, Mr. (Fayiz Al-Sarraj) praised the efforts made by the HNEC to provide adequate conditions for holding elections, in accordance with international standards which are adopted by HNEC.

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