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HNEC Tripoli Electoral Office holds a dialogue session on media and its role in the electoral process

On Tuesday, December 29th, 2020, at HNEC Headquarters, a dialogue session was held, on the role of media in enhancing electoral participation. It was attended by the Commissioner Mr. Abdul-Hakim Belkhair, the Commissioner Mr. Abu Baker Marda, the Director General, Dr. Yahya Al-Jadid and the Head of Tripoli Electoral Office, Mr. Mohammad Al-Sokni.

The session, which was held under the supervision of HNEC Tripoli Electoral Office, in cooperation with the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES), included a discussion of several topics addressing the importance of media in all phases of the electoral process, as well as strengthening the relationship among HNEC and the various media outlets, as essential partners in increasing the level of electoral awareness among citizens.

This session was attended also by some representatives of the local and international media, media professors in Libyan universities and a group of people interested in electoral affairs.

This dialogue session comes as part of a series of awareness programs and activities, implemented by the High National Elections Commission, through its Administration and Offices in different regions and municipalities, within the framework of its early preparations for the implementation of the expected elections in December 24th, 2021.

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