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2 (002)

HNEC discussed the electoral cooperation with the Netherlands

The High National Elections Commission Board discussed with the Embassy of Netherlands Kingdom the future international support plans to implement the next elections, during the meeting, held on Thursday November 12th, 2020, among HNEC Chairman, Dr. Emad Al-Sayah, the Dutch Ambassador, H.E. Mr. Lars Tummers and two members of the Board, Mr. Abdulhakim Al-Shaab and Mr. Abo-Baker Ali.

The meeting, which was held at HNEC secretariat, reviewed the Commission’s preparations for the upcoming elections and the challenges that may face the electoral process, at the local and the international levels; within the international support to the democratic track in Libya.

Dr.  Emad Al-Sayah expressed his appreciation for this initiative, praising the historical democratic experience of the Netherlands, as being the country of the world’s legal capital, with one of the oldest elected parliaments in the world.

From his side, H.E. Mr. Tummers expressed his country’s welcome to  cooperate and provide expertise and technical advice In the electoral field; appreciating HNEC’s efforts for the advanced preparations in its infrastructure and its reliance on electronic technologies; in order to improve its professional practices, in accordance with the international standards.

It is noteworthy that the Kingdom of the Netherlands has been among the donor countries, since 2018, through PEPOL project, implemented by the United Nation’s Support Mission in Libya and the UNDP, with an amount of one million six hundred thousand dollars.

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