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“Supporting elections” is the topic of discussion between HNEC and EU Mission to Libya

The Board of the High National Elections Commission discussed with the European Union Mission to Libya the plans for the international support for the HNEC to implement the upcoming elections.

The meeting was held at HNEC HQ, on Monday, between Dr. Emad Al-Sayah, HNEC Chairman and the new EU Ambassador to Libya, H.E. Mr. Jose Antonio Sabadell, in the presence of Mr. Abdulhakim Al-Shaab, member of HNEC Board, during which they reviewed HNEC readiness for the upcoming electoral process, and the challenges that may face the electoral process at the local and international levels, within the framework of the international support for the democratic process in Libya.

The meeting also addressed the technical and advisory support provided by the EU Mission through “People” project, implemented by UNDP and the UN Mission to Libya.

H.E. Mr. Sabadell welcomed the cooperation and discussion of the  future support plans to raise the efficiency and capabilities of the commission in the fields of training and capacity building for the management and implementing of electoral processes, praising the efforts made by the commission to improve the professional practices to cope with the highest international standards.

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