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The General Assembly of The Arab Organization for Electoral Management Bodies Holds Its Second Annual Meeting, With the Participation of HNEC Chairman

The General Assembly of the Arab EMBs held, Sunday, its second online meeting for the current year 2020, with the participation of HNEC Chairman, Dr. Emad Al-Sayah.

The meeting included a review of the activities of the organization in accordance with its annual work plan, and the amendments that were incorporated as a result of the current pandemic, in addition to discussing the developments of the Arab Network for Women and the role of the network in enhancing the participation of women in elections in certain member states.

The meeting also followed up the establishment of the Arab Network for Youth, reviewing the readiness for its official approval by the General Assembly of the organization at its next regular meeting.

It is worth mentioning that the Arab EMBs was established based on the initiative presented during a regional meeting in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, years ago, and was officially launched in the Lebanese capital Beirut in 2015 under the chairmanship of Dr. Emad Al-Sayah, HNEC Chairman. It is considered the first professional organization in the region concerned with strengthening regional cooperation in the field of election management.

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