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“The Comprehensive Design” Is the Main Interest of the Persons with Disabilities Support Unit of HNEC

On Wednesday, a discussion session was organized at the headquarters of HNEC on the “Comprehensive Design and Easy Access Project” that HNEC Persons with Disability Support Unit is implementing in cooperation with the Educational Projects Department of the Educational Facilities Body.

The session, which was held with the participation of a specialized trainer in the field of comprehensive design, Mr. Ahmed Al-Reda, and in the presence of some engineers of the Ministry of Education, included a review of local and international standards necessary for the design of Polling Centers in line with easy access of PWD to ballot boxes.


For their part, the engineers of the Educational Facilities Body emphasized the need for joint work with all local and international stakeholders concerned with the maintenance of schools that will be used as  “polling centers” during elections, in line with the vision of the Commission concerning the geographical coverage and increasing polling centers numbers.

The High National Elections Commission, in cooperation with the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES), had organized a workshop on comprehensive design, in which several project engineers from the Ministry of Education participated.

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