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إعلانات المفوضية
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وحدة دعم المرأة

Congratulations on the occasion of the International Day of Democracy

The principle of the peaceful devolution of power through free and fair elections is one of the most important pillars of democracy, besides other principles related to freedom and respect for human rights. Based on these principles, stipulated in the International Declaration of Human Rights, the United Nations General Assembly approved the day of September 15th of every year to be the “International Day of Democracy”, where all countries of the world, including Libya, celebrate this day to promote the values ​​of equal participation, working together to enhance peace, sustainable development and human rights.

The Libyan people, through 3 electoral processes, expressed their deep awareness that the peaceful devolution of power is the first standard for the advancement of democratic societies. They have confirmed this during the 2018 voter registration update, by registering more than two million voters in the voter register, as an explicit message about the depth of their awareness and aspirations for a democratic, prosperous and stable state.

On this occasion, HNEC congratulates the Libyan people and all the countries of the democratic world, renewing its determination to move forward to achieve the national goals; through doubling its efforts, preparations and capabilities, developing the capacity of its staff in order to provide the best conditions for any future elections. HNEC confirms that it will not disappoint the Libyans who have expressed their democratic choice to build the foundations of the new state, based on the institutions and the rule of Law.

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