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Easy access .. the topic of a cooperative activity conducted by HNEC Unit for Supporting Persons with Disabilities

HNEC Unit for Supporting Persons with Disabilities, in coordination with the sub-committees of the Central Committee for Municipal Council Elections, continued its cooperative activity to exchange experiences in the field of “easy access for people with disabilities”.

The activity which was conducted in cooperation with HNEC Training Department and with the participation of representatives of the sub-committees in the municipalities (Jado – Kabau – Al Haraba – Al Zawia-South ) includes topics and introductory materials on the mechanism of collecting auditing data on polling centers prepared for persons with disabilities in accordance with local and international standards. During the meeting, the participants exchanged experiences on the definition of accessibility and the level of implementation during the voting process.

The Head of HNEC Unit for Supporting Persons with Disabilities, Ms. Magda El-Katib, stated that this activity, which is a part of a series of activities and training programs launched by the Central Committee for in favor of the success of elections in the Municipalities, is conducted in cooperation with the International Organization for Electoral Systems (IFESL IBYA) and within the framework of exchanging experiences to improve the quality of centers prepared to provide easy access for people with disabilities.

This program is the third version of the cooperative modality, which during its start in early August, targeted trainers from the cities of Ghat, Kikla, Sharkia and Traghen, and in the second version, trainers from the city of Misurata.

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