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HNEC Meets the Constitution Drafting Assembly and Reviews Its Readiness to Implement the Referendum Law

Dr. Emad Al-Sayeh, the Chairman of the High National Elections Commission, discussed, in a meeting with the Chairman and members of the Constitution Drafting Assembly – at the Commission’s Headquarters in Tripoli today, Tuesday – HNEC’s readiness to implement Law No. 6 of 2018 regarding the referendum on the draft constitution that was submitted for referendum by the CDA in July 29th,2017.

The meeting also touched upon the difficulties and obstacles surrounding the referendum process on the constitution, the methods and mechanisms that can be followed to drive the referendum process to success, as well as the positions of the various political stakeholders regarding the referendum on the constitution in light of the current political division in the country.

Furthermore, the Chairman of the Commission, Dr. Emad Al-Sayeh, reviewed the importance of the joint cooperation between the two sides in educating voters to participate in the referendum process once the political actors come to an agreement in this regard.

It is worth noting that, the High National Elections Commission implemented the election of the Constitution Drafting Assembly on February 20th, 2014, and on August 2nd, 2017, the Commission received an official copy of the final draft constitution after it was approved by the Assembly.

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