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HNEC discusses linking its databases with the General Information Authority

On Monday, July 27th, 2020, the HNEC Chairman, Dr. Emad Al- Sayah, held a meeting with the Chairman of the General Information Authority, Dr. Abd Al-Raouf Ali Al-Bebas. The meeting, which was held at HNEC headquarters, was attended also by the GIA Board member, Mr. Fayez Al-Ameen Al-Ghadamsi and the Director of the Planning Office of the GIA, Mr. Nader Saad Emlitan.

The meeting reviewed means of cooperation between the two institutions to support the information infrastructure for each of them, the mechanisms for linking the databases of the HNEC with the GIA and the extent to achieving the maximum benefit from the information included in the national databases, in order to serve the public interest.

The meeting concluded with a decision to establish a technical working group from the two institutions to conceptualize the technical details related to this task.

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