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HNEC Board Holds a Meeting With The General Administration

The Board of the High National Elections Commission discussed the plans and proposals for the functioning of the Commission and the current most important challenges, as one of the mechanisms for evaluating performance and enhancing the efficiency of work in the institution. This discussion was during the meeting held by the HNEC Chairman and Board Members on Thursday morning, July 23rd, 2020, with HNEC Director General and the Heads of Departments and Offices, at HNEC headquarters.

The meeting was opened by HNEC Chairman, Dr. Emad Al-Sayeh, by welcoming the attendees and stressing the importance of communication among the Board of Commissioners, the General Administration and the Electoral Administration Offices to overcome difficulties and to discuss the best ways to enhance performance, explaining that the Electoral Administration has its own specificities, as the nature of its work requires continues experience development and diversity in its performance, in accordance with the standards of accuracy and creativity. He also allowed discussions and proposals by the attendees, during his speech.

The Director General, Mr. Ahmed Ibrahim Abu Weden, spoke about some realities related to work, including the final stages of the general training plan, discussing the needs of the training center, preparations for the budget of the year 2021, and following up on the delayed work, stressing the commitment of the General Administration to organize its administrative procedures and work in parallel with the Board of the Commission in order to provide a positive environment that guarantees the fulfillment of the institution’s mission and vision.

Further, the Board of Commissioners listened to the discussions and opinions presented by the Heads of Departments and Offices, highlighting the difficulties and challenges facing the work progress, and a set of future proposals to overcome these difficulties, stressing their commitment to their responsibilities as a national duty in an institution that reflects the aspirations of all Libyans for a stable future.

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