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HNEC Welcomes the Extension of the UN Electoral Assistance Project in Libya

The High National Election Commission welcomes the decision to extend the UN electoral assistance project ‘Promoting Elections for the People of Libya’ (PEPOL) until December of 2021, which supports HNEC with electoral preparations.

The decision to extend the project was made at the project board meeting held via video conferencing on June 30th, 2020, and was co-hosted by the HNEC Chairman, Dr. Emad and Al-Sayah, and the UNDP Country Representative, Mr. Gerardo Noto. The meeting was attended by Mr. Abdul Hakim Balkher, Member of the board of HNEC Board and as the representative of the HNEC in the technical committee of the project, along with representatives from other donor countries such as the EU, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom.

Dr. Al-Sayah presented an overview on the electoral context in Libya, highlighting the challenges, opportunities and required preconditions for elections. Together with the UNDP Country Director, Dr. Al-Sayeh thanked the donors for their continuous commitment to promote democratic processes in Libya and their support to the HNEC through the UNDP PEPOL project.

On their part, the project donors acknowledged the progress made by HNEC and the project and noted the importance of maintaining a robust electoral support for HNEC, in order to ensure the Commission’s technical readiness to implement credible elections once those are called for.

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