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On the occasion of his retirement, HNEC celebrates the honor of Mr. Mohammad Maayouf and praises his performance throughout his career March 19th, 2020

In a way to express the gratitude and appreciation to the first generation of its staff, HNEC General Administration organized, today, Thursday, March 19th, 2020, a ceremony honoring Mr. Mohammad Maayouf, on the occasion of his retirement, after years of continuous effort in his position as the financial auditor of the Commission. The ceremony was attended by HNEC Chairman, the Director General, Heads of departments and offices and a group of HNEC staff.

In his speech, starting the ceremony, HNEC Chairman, Dr. Emad Al-Sayah praised the honorable journey of Mr. Maayouf throughout his years of work with HNEC, which is characterized with good performance and outstanding giving, stressing that his honor is a tribute to all employees and to all honest efforts exerted to enhance the work with professionalism, dedication and sincerity.

Mr. Maayouf expressed his appreciation for this honorary initiative that crowns his career. He thanked HNEC Board and all HNEC employees, for all their efforts which add to his knowledge and experience and showed a high level of kind human communication; calling upon everyone to exert more efforts to achieve the national mission of the Commission.

The ceremony included words of thanks and gratitude from the HNEC Director General, who praised Mr. Maayouf’s professional and humanitarian attitudes and commended his efforts and rich experience in his career. At the end of the ceremony, the Chairman of HNEC delivered a certificate of honor to Mr. Maayouf with a symbolic gift.

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