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Women Support Unit Meets With CSOs

HNEC Women Support Unit convened its first preparatory meeting with the CSOs working in the field of electoral awareness on Monday, 10 th February, 2020, in HNEC Headquarters in Tripoli, to explore mechanisms of communication between HNEC and the CSOs.
The meeting was opened by the Head of the Outreach Department of HNEC, Mr. Mustafa Al-Furjani, who was present during part of the meeting, explaining that, this meeting is one in a series of programs launched by the HNEC to implement its outreach plans, and commended the role of the CSOs as a key partner of the HNEC in the implementation of national elections.

For her part, the Head of the Women Support Unit, Mrs. Inas Tuwaini, explained the objectives of the meeting which is to open channels of dialogue and consultation on the activities that the unit will conduct during 2020, and the importance of communication with the CSOs working in the field of public outreach in promoting the concept of electoral participation.

During her speech, she noted “since its establishment, the unit takes upon itself the task of educating women on elections and their importance in establishing the foundations of democracy to build civil states, and this path is only achieved through consolidation of efforts of all partners”

It is worth mentioning here that the Women Support Unit was established by the decision of HNEC Board No.59/2017, and its main functions include the facilitation of the participation of women in the electoral process, in addition to coordination with CSOs working on women support and following up on the challenges and difficulties they face in electoral participation.

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